Artist : Poet : Dreamer


Sophia Shanti was born in Kiel, Germany and raised in a suburb near Washington D.C. The duality of locations let her see the world through numerous viewpoints from an early age on. An ever changing exterior revealed to her the path of creativity as a continuous source of nourishment and healing.

Her art is intended as a medium to translate subjects of the etheric world, such as dreams or emotions, to a visual plane. It invites the unspeakable to be communicated, in order to create an experience that can be shared with many. Another intention of her work is to reconnect the psyche with natural states of bliss, through re-associating the mind to a integrated state of consciousness. The process focuses on creating works beyond the thinking-mind, where the intuitive subconscious is allowed to come to the surface, and take charge. She draws on encounters from her daily life in connection with the nuances of psychology, mythology, mysticism, and the natural world.


The main medium is acrylic and tempera paint, alongside and sometimes co-joined with written and spoken words (poetry), music, and natural materials.


Additional Works U.S. Portfolio :


"The artist is not a person endowed with free will who seeks his own ends, but one who allows it to realize its supreme purpose through him." C. Jung